There is no guarantee that every establishment will
offer you wonderful carpet cleaning services. In fact, you may even have to
shell out extra dollars to keep your carpets free of stains, odours, moulds,
etc, in future, even after the experts have completed their job. Maybe, you
could strike a balance. Do the job yourself most of the time, and hire reliable
experts to clean up every six months or once a year.
Dry Cleaning
As the name suggests, you are not supposed to use
any water or liquid for cleaning your carpets. Instead, you must use a dry
cleaning compound. Do ensure that you purchase something that is dependable and
eco-friendly in nature. Its function is to absorb all the dirt and dust that is
preventing your carpets from breathing freely.
Apply it liberally all over every carpet in the
house. A good drycleaner will even get rid of ugly spots and stains that have
been caused by spills. Wait for some time and then use your vacuum cleaner with
a will. Your carpets will look as good as new once again! Dry cleaning is a
great method when you are in a hurry to finish your house cleaning as quickly
as possible.
Wet Cleaning
When you desire to go ‘deep’ into your carpets and
pull out everything that is hidden inside, you might try wet cleaning. To begin
with, use your vacuum cleaner on all your carpets, removing as much of surface
dust and dirt as possible. You may put back all the furniture as soon as you
finish. In case, the feet of any items intrude onto the carpet, place plastic
wrap or aluminium foil under them. Alternatively, you may just push them aside
during the entire cleaning process.
The next step is extraction. You will have to hire
an extractor machine for this purpose. Just make sure that it is powerful
enough to wash and extract wonderfully well. Prior to using it, read all the
instructions outlined on the machine and the carpet cleaning products
thoroughly. You must understand how to use them, if you do not want your
carpets to be ruined for good. Once your carpets have been washed, the
extractor will go to work on them. Begin from a corner and move forwards,
making sure that you do not step onto the wet surface of any carpet. Work
slowly and skilfully, such that large amounts of water may be removed.
When you are through, allow every carpet to dry for
a minimum of 12 hours. Open all the windows and doors. Switch on the fans and
AC too, if you have one. This will prevent your carpets from becoming smelly
and mouldy.
Finally, use your vacuum cleaner on the dry
carpets. Replace your furniture in their respective places.
Love and care for your carpets, since they are an
integral part of your house’s personality and charm. There are several carpet
shampoos and steam cleaners available in the market. Purchase the best and do a
professional job yourself!
we can talk to expert - for more information - Dry carpet cleaning Sydney
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